Wednesday, June 16, 2010

It's Not that Victims of Pedophile Priests Can't Forgive Mahony

It's that we are disgusted watching these guys get away with all these crimes. They never say more than they have to. The truth keeps changing. Oh an investigation found this? Okay, then now we'll admit to what was just discovered, but not any more than that. Here, here is a new press statement.

Those of us watching over a number of years have watched the truth change, the truth boundary line for Catholic hierarchy explaining the pedophile priest epidemic just moves around as different evidence comes out. Then the Cardinal stands up and makes a press statement admitting that one more bit of evidence is true after all, that their slimeball treatment of children was really worse than they admitted earlier, but it's no big deal because those sex crimes don't happen anymore.

And everyone just believes them.

After all they're wearing a collar. If Mahony had to be deposed on every single perpetrator priest in Los Angeles, the boundary line of how far the truth goes would just keep moving all over the place, and soon the cardinal would be shrugging off rapes of hundreds of children, with the same ease as he shrugs off the two boys who were just disposable "illegal immigrants" from his testimony released this week.

I CRY OUT FOR REPORTERS who ask questions, and don't just rely on press statements and releases for stories. Meanwhile, we all get what we get. Mushy leadership.

Criminals run everything in the USA now, why wouldn't they also run the Church?

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