Friday, October 31, 2014

If you wonder why after a hundred thousand victims of pedophile priests found each other on the internet beginning in the 1990s yet nothing ever developed to prosecute the bishops for aiding and abetting pedophile priests, and if you wonder why the bad guys are still not only in office but revered, this blog tells you one reason. 


 Continues here:


And continues here as well

The Other SNAP Story of Counter Intelligence and Sink Holes**

SNAP presents itself as a support network for survivors of pedophile priest crimes, but what SNAP really does is damage control.  I know.  I was creating damage and I got controlled.
UPDATED regularly 
Also see Chapter 2 Angelic Intervention and Chapter 3 Other States, ongoing reporting on the counter espionage aka fake support organization SNAP and how it ran damage control for the church in the pedophile priest crisis. A somewhat more cohesive version of this story was written in 2010-2011... and as time passes, there will be more to come.
and it is the story that will not go away.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

A little perspective over time

Notes as the experience takes shape years later

1.  Since SNAP outsourced the UN / Hague "investigation" of the Pope, No Long Time survivors were involved in the process. So the entire UN Filing had to come from the Bishop Accountability database, from news stories already published. After usurping the effort started by survivors in Germany in 2011, instead of using survivor / professionals who had been in the movement since the 1980s, SNAP outsourced the Hague effort to the CCR, a great group of guys who admit they knew nothing about the Pope or the Vatican. In total, SNAP dropped the ball, barely bringing up the UN / Hague project once it was theirs, even at their 25th anniversary conference just months after  its minor success with hearings in early 2014. SNAP never used its extensive news media lists and nationwide branches to publicize the effort to prosecute the Pope because SNAP's job was to make it go away. They let the whole effort fizzle, die, and be forgotten, same pattern SNAP repeated since they formed in the 1980s as counter intelligence to work inside the pedophile priest "survivor movement" and keep us from accomplishing anything.

2.  Most the weird problems that happened in my personal life were Not a result of exposing on this blog pedophile priests and the bishops who aided and abetted them. Problems began when I started asking questions about SNAP, the "Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests," on this blog, and over time, just by doing the blog, discovered how the bishops used SNAP to con the crime victims. That's why SNAP tried so hard to stop CofA Blog from the beginning.

3.  By creating SNAP in the 1980s, the bishops heard everyone's story. The crime victims would not pour their hearts out to a priest or therapist at the chancery, but all of us opened up and told everything to Blaine and Clohessy, trusting them with reverence as if they were saints.

4.  The day I realized what SNAP really was (c. Feb 2010) I had a physical reaction.  I dropped the phone and started shaking and that lasted two or three days, I kept under control with muscle relaxants. It was when I realized just how evil these people are, my body could not contain it, could not accept or "grok" it, without first a physical reaction.  To think people can actually be this evil, just how much else has the Catholic Church done to cover up its crimes over the centuries?

5. When I was at the SNAP conference in 2008, I left my laptop in the hotel room while I attended different events. Someone broke in my room and used my computer in a way that caused me to be permanently banned from using Google Ads to monetize my blogs. Back in 2008, I was just starting to get a check from Google every month, I have Never been able to fix the problem that happened while my laptop was unattended in the hotel in Chicago.  To This Day I can't even run ads at YouTube and almost all ads online at every other site are Google. Apparently the Chicago Archdiocese was determined to keep me from making any money doing this blog or any other blog. That was 2008. The attacks on me increased after Feb. 2010.

And then there was the poison spider let loose in my rented room in Appalachia.

In retrospect I see the bishops used SNAP to put their crime victims exactly where they needed us to be to find out everything about us and fuck with us if we started to get effective.

(hiding in the desert)

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Because I came out of nowhere starting CofA Blog in Jan 2007, for a short period I had a unique perspective on what happened in the pedophile priest survivor "movement." As a result I saw patterns and heard stories that those doing "damage control" did not want any journalist to see.  I published what I saw and got blacklisted and sabotaged, a campaign that is still going on today.  Needless to say, the true story of pedophile priest crime coverups in the United States has not been told, because the very persons who are supposed to be advocating for us were really working for the Church. Their resources are so extensive, it's useless for me to continue doing journalism on this topic. I know SNAP will step in and nullify it. That's what they do. Nullified is best way to describe how the pedophile priest story broke from Boston to Australia and look who has been "in charge" the whole time. No bishops have been indicted for aiding and abetting felonies that cross state and national boundaries, even with evidence in lawsuit documents from past two decades. The survivors are dispersed, disconnected, and defused. Thousands of sex crimes against children went unpunished while the perpetrators and their enablers are still community leaders.  And for me, this is the story that will not go away.